Sons of Union Veterans
Antietam Camp #3
Antietam Camp #3 Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War (SUVCW) was chartered under the Department of Maryland, in Baltimore, MD on August 21, 1999 and is still active and meeting regularly.
Some of the original charter members such as Brother Charles (Chuck) Odell and James (Jim) Roy Fisher are still active members. From the small group of dedicated members, this camp has grown to over 25 current members. We have had members in this camp from Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia. Many members of Antietam Camp #3 have also been members of the ceremonial uniformed military Component of the SUVCW called The Sons of Veterans Reserve (SVR).
Some of the special events that Antietam Camp #3 members participate in annually are:
Antietam Camp #3 members have also been part of many other great events such as:
Antietam Camp #3 members have set up educational displays at events such as:
Antietam Camp #3 had the honor of having the national SUVCW Commander in Chief and the Commander of the Department of the Chesapeake as members. Antietam Camp #3 has also had members in other important Department and National positions.
Antietam Camp No. 3 SUVCW had the rare distinction of three generations of the Martin family as members.
In 2015 the Antietam Auxiliary Camp #3 was formed to support and assist the Sons of Union Veterans Antietam Camp #3. The lovely ladies of Antietam Auxiliary Camp #3 are part of the National Auxiliary to Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War.
In 1866, Union Veterans of the Civil War organized into the Grand Army of the Republic (GAR) and became a social and political force that would control the destiny of the nation for more than six decades. Membership in the veterans' organization was restricted to individuals who had served in the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, or Revenue Cutter Service during the Civil War, thereby limiting the life span of the GAR. The GAR existed until 1956.
In 1881 the GAR formed the Sons of Veterans of the United States of America (SV) to carry on its traditions and memory long after the GAR had ceased to exist. Membership was open to any man who could prove ancestry to a member of the GAR or to a veteran eligible for membership in the GAR.
Many GAR Posts sponsored Camps of the SV. In 1925 the SV name was changed to Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War (SUVCW), under which its federal charter was issued in 1954. The SUVCW is legally recognized as the heir to, and representative of, the GAR.
Today, the National Organization of the SUVCW, headed by an annually elected Commander-in-Chief, oversees the operation of 26 Departments, each consisting of one or more states, a Department-at-Large, a National Membership-at-Large, and over 200 community based Camps. More than 6,360 men enjoy the benefits of membership in the only male organization dedicated to the principles of the GAR - Fraternity, Charity, and Loyalty. It publishes "The BANNER" quarterly for its members. The SUVCW National Headquarters is located in the National Civil War Museum in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.
The SUVCW is one of five Allied Orders of the GAR. The other four Orders are: Ladies of the Grand Army of the Republic, Woman's Relief Corps, Auxiliary to the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War and Daughters of Union Veterans of the Civil War.
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War, Antietam Camp #3
Frederick, Maryland, USA
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